left behind 查询结果如下:
释义:If you left something behind, you forgot to bring it with you.
He left behind an immortal example to all posterity.
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In 1997, valuable screenplays left behind by Singapore writer Chua Boon Hean, who wrote under the pen name Liu Beian, were donated to the Hong Kong movie museum and became one of its important collections
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If the topsoil is taken away by erosion, plants can no longer grow in the soil left behind
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How Can Special Education Teachers Meet the Requirements of the No Child Left Behind Act NCLB
属类:行业术语 -教育 -台湾教育会议
If you don’t keep up with the times, you’ll get left behind
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He is angry about being left behind .
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Nothing ever happened in that little town, left behind by the advance of civilization
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As to the wretched party left behind , it could scarcely be said which of the three, who were completely rational, was suffering most
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You see, Green is going to win, Let’s jump on the bandwagon right now and endorse him before we get left behind
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Macbeth, stung with rage, set upon the castle of Macduff, and put his wife and children, whom the thane had left behind , to the sword, and extended the slaughter to all who claimed the least relationship to Macduff
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The Book has been left behind .
属类:学习英语 -成语例句
This was a dreadful sight to me, especially when going down to the shore, I could see the marks of horror, which the dismal work they had been about had left behind it
属类:文学表达 -英语名著 -鲁宾逊漂流记
If we let the fastest runner set the pace the others will be left behind .
属类:综合句库 -典型例句
What have we left behind (ie after going away)?
属类:综合句库 -典型例句
If large numbers of people are left behind by China’s economic development, such foolish disregard for wealth will jeopardize a stable society.
属类:人文学科 -经济伦理学 -伦理修炼
In 1990 ARPANET ceased to exist, leaving behind the NSFNET, and the first commercial dial-up access to the Internet became available.
属类:IT行业 -电子电脑
At length the new postilions are in their saddles, and the old are left behind
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Subsequently Sun Yat-sen’s bourgeois-democratic revolutionaries co-operated with us Communists and together we defeated the warlord set-up left behind by Yuan Shih-kai
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I leave behind e as a pledge this pin, worth ten times the amount
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Sir Leicester, for all his scrupulous politeness, is unable to assist her, and is left behind
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To leave behind;outrun.
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To leave behind unintentionally.
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Lu Tzu-hsiao happened to see in Fang Hung-chien’s room a small “Home University Library” edition of [harold] Laski’s Communism, one of the books Hsin-mei had left behind
凑巧陆子潇到鸿渐房里看见一本《家庭大学丛书》(Home University Library)小册子,是拉斯基(Laski)所作的时髦书《共产主义论》,这原是辛楣丢下来的。
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Suddenly, he seemed to see the blurred outline of a white figure flash past him and disappear into the bedroom, leaving behind a trail of heady perfume and the echo of a woman’s silvery laughter
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In this model, the resulting implosion and ensuing explosion would blow off the outer envelope of the star and leave behind the core as a neutron star
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And yet the city lures us, because it is not Provincial like the dead little town we have left behind us
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We spent over an hour clearing up all the waste paper and that which the trippers has left behind .
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To gather(grain) left behind by reapers.
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To gather grain left behind by reapers.
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The tide ebbed away,leaving behind seaweed and debris.
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He always left behind him an inscrutable prescription
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The luggage has been left behind !
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You’d better take a taxi or you’re going to be left behind .
属类:口语表达 -
A keen smell of skunk was left behind .
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You’d better run or you’re going to be left behind .
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Then, your baggage must be left behind in Shanghai.
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The tide ebbed away, leaving behind seaweed and debris
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Have I ever left behind any gossamer traces at all?
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Libby was always breathless as if, to a seven-year-old, life were excitingly on the run and she must keep pace or to be left behind
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He was a man of letters and rather learned,he left behind him five or six very curious manuscripts,among others, a dissertation on this verse in Genesis, In the beginning, the spirit of God floated upon the waters
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His meeting, which may almost b designated as his union, with conventionary G----, left behind it in his mind a sort of astonishment, which rendered him still more gentle
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Infant mortality rates in city slums in Bangladesh are 50 times higher even than in the deprived countryside the migrants left behind
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The crusaders travelled through Venice on their return from the campaign and left behind them many of their spoils
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As with cookery, their product is consumed daily, leaving behind only a faint aroma
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She was the incarnation of confidence, this chunky, smiling girl, no star athlete, but a typical child who, years ago, might have been left behind in the old win-lose version of PE
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An airline passenger is talking to the stewardess in-flight about a briefcase he has left behind
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Karl Marx left behind him a great revolutionary theory for us
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The Big Squeeze technique often backfires, causing an even more outrageous cyst--and it may leave behind a pit or scar that will be with you when you get old and are buying Depends
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If you ask the fastest runner to set the pace, then most of them will be left behind .
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She went into the classroom for the book she had left behind
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But the crisis marks a large step backward for the region as a whole, which many hoped had left behind its cycle of dictatorships, coups and foreign interventions. As other Latin American countries have strengthened their democracies, Venezuela has followed a different path of increasing instability under Mr. Maduro and uncertainty about the way forward.
“我们无法解释我们国家在过去20年遭受的暴行,”卡洛斯·吉伦·马丁内斯(Carlos Guillen Martinez)说,他曾是一名陆军中尉,去年在他声称自己受到马杜罗特工的折磨后逃离了这个国家。吉伦说,如果马杜罗政府今年掌权,他和其他人打算带着武器回国。“在这一点上,我们一如既往地坚定,”他说。“我们继续前进,我们不会失去我们的北极星。”委内瑞拉的危机已经形成难以维持的僵局——一个国家有两位总统。上周五,马杜罗表示愿意与反对派会面,而瓜伊多则首次公开露面,因为他宣布自己是该国合法的临时总统,并告诉支持者们“如果他们敢绑架我”,就要团结起来反对当局。对峙双方都在向军方示好,希望军方能成为控制国家的守门人。委内瑞拉武装部队对这个十字路口很熟悉,马杜罗的前任雨果·查韦斯(Hugo Chávez)担任军队指挥官期间,几代委内瑞拉武装部队被卷入国家政治,反复在权力中斡旋。但这场危机标志着该地区整...
属类:翻译句库 -在线翻译实例选登 -【查看在线翻译页面】
1.If you left something behind, you forgot to bring it with you.
When I got to the station I realised I’d left my credit cards behind, so I went back home to get them.| After we left the beach, someone asked where Bobby was. I did a u-turn and went back to the beach because we’d left him behind!
独上高台望四海 手揽云月傍天飞, 落叶重重已十月 归鸟凄凄啼心扉。